Rendering content depending on the selection done in filter.

Rahul Kumar
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November 26, 2018

I'm looking for a solution in which a few parts of content change (code snippets)  depending on the selection done in the filter (select OS, browser, and resolution). 


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Atlassian Team
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December 5, 2018

Hello there Rahul!
Currently, Confluence does not have a native function that does exactly this. We could workaround this and reach similar results by using two macros together:

- Expand Macro

- Code Block Macro

Inserting an Expand Macro and then within it, the Code Block Macro. Granted, it will occupy more space than the example you provided. In edit mode, this setup would look like this:

Screen Shot 2018-12-05 at 16.37.32.png

Further, there are third-party solutions that may help you out. One of them is Advanced Codeblock Macro:

Advanced Codeblock Macro - Marketplace Page

Advanced Codeblock Macro - User Guide

Let us know if this helps out your objectives!

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