Remove redundant labels in Confluence Cloud

Daniela Pbrand May 22, 2024

I have a list of redundant labels in my Confluence Cloud instance, and I have removed the labels I want to eliminate from all the pages they were on. If I display all the labels on the site (through https://<my-host-name>

I still see some of the labels I have removed. When I click on the link to display pages with that label, there are none. There are no pages with these labels, but they are still there. When I create a new page and want to add a label, the labels are still suggested to the user while they should be gone. 

I downloaded the label organizer for Confluence and got rid of some, but not all of them.

How do we entirely get rid of these labels?  

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Kristian Klima
Rising Star
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May 22, 2024

Any chance there's a residual label on an attachment?

(On a side note, I used a specific search app in a somewhat similar scenario in the past and it would return false positives hours after I actually effected changes. It rectified itself eventually)

Daniela Pbrand May 22, 2024

Thanks so much @Kristian Klima . I will check the attachments and rerun the label's report tomorrow. 

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