Recently updated section on Dashboard is not showing the latest updates

Ryan Alexander March 25, 2012


On our recently updated section on the Dashboard the recently updated is not updating with what was recently updated.

It seems to have stalled around the 19th of March and I know content has been updated since then.

This is happening to all users.


Ryan A

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Septa Cahyadiputra
Rising Star
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April 9, 2012

Hi Ryan,

On most cases, recently updated issue cause by two causes:

  1. Corrupted indexing cache.
    • To fix this you could try to rebuild indices from scratch. This process will refresh all the cache of your indexing. If issue still appear after running this process, the cause of your issue might be the other on
  2. Attachment indexing issue
    • Due to some attachemts that are not able to be indexed by Confluence, the indexing process stop which result to recently updated list does not get updated. In order to fix the easiest action is to disable attachment indexing altogether. This would stop Confluence to index the content of your attachments. Attachment title is still searchable.

Hope it helps.


Septa Cahyadiputra

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