Receiving 401 Unauthorized Error while trying to access iminfosec through Postman tool (API)

Ahmed, Raneez July 13, 2023

I am able to access the Iminfosec page from the website and able to make chnages and add pages to the Confluence. Hence this is not an access issue. In the case API call via PostMan tool, I am not able to access the confluence page in iminfosec. I am getting 401 Unauthorized Error.
Tried with generating an API token for the Confluence page from the Iminfosec, I am receiving that , the current user is not authorized to perform any actions.

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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July 18, 2023

401 normally indicates that the authorization is not valid. A 403 would be that you successfully authenticated but don't have the permissions.


What format are you supplying for the authorization?




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