Question about implementation about confluence

ujkimbitbucket November 27, 2018


I wrote this question because I'm curious about the implementation features of Confluence.

Could I know a little bit about it?

When I edit a page in Confluence at the same time, I can see the part where the status is expressed in real time. I wonder how the implementation of this part went.

Could you tell me if there's anything I can refer to, even if it's not direct?

Thank you for answering a variety of questions each time.

Good day!


1 answer

1 vote
Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 28, 2018


I believe you're referring to the Collaborative Editing functionality.

If you have disabled Collaborative Editing previously, you may no longer be seeing that feature.

Have a look above to see if you have turned it on or off.

To change the editing mode:

  1. Go to  > General Configuration > Collaborative editing
  2. Choose Change mode.
  3. Select a mode and choose Change

Let me know if you have any trouble.



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