Project Management Template

Oscar Moran November 27, 2018

can some share the project management template described here:

or something similar?

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Kesha Thill
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 28, 2018

Hi @Oscar Moran !

It is likely that you're experiencing the new Confluence editor in your instance, which doesn't have the project plan template available yet. It's coming in the next few weeks so hang tight, you'll have it soon! 

As a workaround, you can recreate it as a page or template in your instance until it is available (it's mostly tables), or wait until it's available for the new editor.

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December 4, 2018

Thanks @Kesha Thillainayaga, looking foward to it being made available 

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Rising Star
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November 27, 2018

@Oscar Moran project Management template is available in confluence, And also you can edit the project Management template based on the requirement or you can also create a custom templates in confluence. 

Oscar Moran November 27, 2018

@Pavan I don't see it when I try to create new space. Is there a way to downloaded from somewhere? the closest template I see is "project poster" template

no other project management template

Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 27, 2018

@Oscar Moran Once you create a space click on "+" on left side it will give you options to choose different templates.

Oscar Moran November 27, 2018

@Pavan that's the issue I don't see the template to use or edit

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