Problems in configuring Confluence 4.0

Lee Lee
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September 22, 2011

Hello everyone. When I configure Confluence 4.0, it's always stopping when it connect to jira and load users and groups from jira. I don't know what happens, and after I uninstall Confluence and install it again, it happens again when I configure.

In this case, I have two users in jira, they are admin and test.

This problem troubles me a lot, please help me, thanks!


2 answers

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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May 12, 2013

Actually this bug has been fixed in Confluence 4.0.3 as uptated in the bug report.

1 vote
Azwandi Mohd Aris
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 23, 2011

This is a known bug in Confluence 4.0, see Please try the workaround provided in the bug report.

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