Problem with Data importing from one of the previous versions of Confluence

mkralik September 20, 2011

We have Counfluence version 2.10.1. and have installed the newest DEMO version of Confluence but when we import the data from backup, after some minutes (around 90%) is nothing happening and when I refresh the page, it will redirect me to login page. But I cannot login anymore with the admin account and also with accounts from the backup. It seems as the data aren't imported.

We also use LDAP.

Could you please advice, where is the problem? We would like to buy the newest version of Confluence, but first we want to test it, that it is working.

Thank you very much


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Tiago Comasseto
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September 26, 2011


Actually it is not possible to import an XML backup from an old version of Confluence (eg v2.10) into a new installation using version 3.5.x. Instead of using the XML backup, please consult this link with the steps to create a clone of your production Confluence:

And after consult this steps to proceed the upgrade from 2.10 to 3.5.x:

I hope this helps.

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