Power BI Desktop vs Power Bi Service

Jira Brayco March 31, 2023


I create a model in Power BI Desktop and connect Data Origen with the user an API Token.

However when I publish the model in the Power BI Service the model does not update from there. 

I have this message 

Error de procesamiento: Information is needed in order to combine data
URI de clúster: WABI-PAAS-1-SCUS-redirect.analysis.windows.net
Identificador de actividad: e6dbd0dc-f06b-44f3-9961-95cd6f36f15e
Identificador de la solicitud: 531c0b6a-4c17-3fca-0ea0-eae57e461a86
Hora: 2023-03-31 20:38:49Z



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Brant Schroeder
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July 24, 2023

@Jira Brayco Were you able to find a solution to this?  Was it because your desktop was able to access a data source that the service was not able to due to firewall rules?

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