Poor image quality in Export feature - Long standing Issue

Oliver Kurz
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April 26, 2022

The issue of poor image quality when exporting to PDF or Doc has been going on for a long time and needs to be sorted.

If I can view the document and images in a Confluence doc online fine but they are useless to view once exported to PDF or Doc then the export feature is a fail.

I have researched this and there is a number of threads on this going back sometime and in a paid product this should be sorted by now.

What updates can Atlassian provide on when this will be fixed or if there is a decent simple workaround not involving redoing thousands of screen shots that look fine online.


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July 20, 2022

I keep finding old issues about this but so far it looks like there's no plans to fix this.

Images look incredibly deep-fried in the PDFs whereas the quality is fine in Conflunce itself. The image quality is so poor, any text in them is barely legible, if at all.

I'd love to see a fix or workaround for this.

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