Plugin Update check - compatible once both confluence and the add-on are updated

Simona Persico October 1, 2015

Good morning,

sorry if I do a 'stupid' question, but I have a doubt.

We're programming the upgrade of Confluence from 5.1 to 5.8.10 (or 5.8.13) version. I used the Plugin update check to see what we have to do.

In a section of results 'compatible once both confluence and the add-on are updated' the suggestion is to disable these add-ons and perform the upgrade of COnfluence. Than I can update add-ons and enable its.

My questions are:

  1. pages that are using these plugins will have problems in the migration?
  2. do we risk to lose data?
  3. in the log there will be WARN that pointed out that there are pages that use disabled plugins

Thank you very much!


1 answer

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Luiz Maia
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October 1, 2015

Hi Simona,

This procedure to disable those plugins is a security prevention, to make sure that your upgrade process will not fail due to incompatibility with those specific plugins.

Regarding your questions:

  1. The only problem that you'll see in those pages is that the macro from that plugin, which is inserted on that page will not be rendered.
  2. No, you won't loose any data. As soon as the plugins are reenabled, the pages will be back to exact what they previously were.
  3. There might in fact be WARN messages that the plugin for that page could not be rendered, since it's disabled.



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