we are Server 8.5.5
I am confused about exports and bulleted/numbered text - what are others experiencing and any suggestions - the following summarises my many tests
I have a page with formatted text as bullets, single level and multilevel
If i export that page to Word via the ellipsis, they remain as formatted bullets and numbers
If I export to PDF via the ellipsis, they also remain showing as bulleted text
If I now take that PDF and use Adobe to convert to Word, the bulleted text reverts to indented plain text with the bullets as separate pictures
Numbered list correctly converts as numbered list
Or if I use Space Tools, Content Tools to export multiple pages as a single PDF (merges the pages), the PDF shows the text as indeed bulleted text
and then if I use Adobe to convert it also reverts to indented plain text with bullet pictures.
Again, Numbered list correctly converts as numbered list
So you'd think this is an Adobe conversion issue!
So I took a blank Word document and inserted the same bullets and number lists.
Saved as PDF - bullets and numbers are showing as plain text
Converted that to Word and they are showing as formatted bullet and numbered text again
On one hand Adobe converts PDF with formatted bullet text to indents with separate pictures
On the other Adobe converts bullets and numbers as bulleted text
So I am confused - is there any special nature of the PDF format created by Confluence that causes the different handling.
It is super annoying if I have a multipage Confluence document, export merged PDF and convert that to a single Word doc .. as a Word doc it might typically be 100-150 A4 pages with thousands of bullets as pictures not as formatted text!