PDF Macro Fails in Cloud Confluence

Joe Bates
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September 2, 2018

For some time the PDF Macro has not been working in my implementation on the cloud. I ignored it for a bit but now i really need the functionality. I attach the file to the document first, then select the macro and select the page and document. I also have to save the page before adding the macro, otherwise Confluence won't see the pdf document.Can anyone give me pointer on how to fix this? Here is the error message i get all the time now:


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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 4, 2018

Hi Joe,

Is this any time you try to open any PDF file in previewer, or just specific ones? 

Which web browser are you using to replicate this? Does the same occur in other browsers?


Joe Bates
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 4, 2018

Thank you! It seems that it is the Chrome browser that is the culprit. I tried it using MS Edge and it works fine. I've not tried with any other browser, but this solution will work for me quite well. I will continue to investigate with Chrome now that I have that lead.


I note that Confluence app for Android will correctly read the PDF and Word files too. I don't access Confluence Cloud often with tablet but it is a good alternative.

Thanks for the questions that led me to a satisfactory answer.

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 5, 2018

Thanks, Joe.

I tried to see if we had any bugs like that, but I'm mostly just seeing for Internet Explorer.

Could you confirm your Chrome version and if it's for all documents? It could be for specific PDF and Word files if there's a certain kind of content that Confluence is having a hard time loading.



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