Organizations field value not showing in Jira Issue/Filter

Mark Wheeler July 1, 2021

The value(s) in the Organizations field is not appearing in Jira Issue/Filter widgets displayed on Confluences pages for me.

The Organizations column appears but no values for it. There are values for the issues I'm looking at when I look at the filter in Jira and on the issue directly.

Does anyone else have this wierd behaviour?  It only appears to happen for Organizations.



2 answers

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SAFE Customer Support March 8, 2022

Does anyone have a fix for this please? I'm having the same issue and created a new custom field with automation to get round it and that doesn't work either.

0 votes
GlenRSmith September 3, 2021

Does anyone else have this wierd behaviour?


Yes. Trying to use the "Insert JIRA Issue/Filter" macro in a page, I was trying to figure out how to filter by "Organizations" and only getting 

The JIRA server didn't understand your search query. If you entered JQL, please ensure that it's correctly formed. If you entered an issue key, ensure that it exists and you have permission to view it.

So I took that part of the filter out, and added an `Organizations` column to the table. There are no values for `Organizations` displayed for any issue. It is the same for `Request Type` (to name one other example).

I was able to get the filtering I want by: "reporter in organizationMembers(<org name>)", but I don't know how to just plain display `Organizations`.

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