Not able to Import a space of file type HTML which is being exported from other cloud site

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April 6, 2023

Hi Team,

Not able to Import a space of file type HTML which is being exported from other cloud site.

When trying to Import the Space, it shows the error like 

There was an error during import. Please see our guide to raising a bug report.
Also this is the screenshot of the error which it shows after.
Screenshot 2023-04-06 164840.png
Please let us know what is the baseline of the issue and how can I get it solved.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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April 6, 2023

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Confluence can only import spaces from Confluence exports of spaces, it can't import HTML sites.

You can import individual pages, but only from word and google documents.

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I'm New Here
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April 6, 2023

Hi Nic,

Basically what we have done that we have exported the confluence space from another cloud site in HTML Format and not an site format.

So when we trying to import it in destination cloud site using Import Spaces Functionality, it shows this error as I have mentioned above.

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