Not able to Create BACKUP POLICY in Confluence Cloud

Stefan Weckmann-Kaffarnik September 16, 2024


regarding the following description:


Create a backup policy and run backups | Atlassian Support


As Admin i am not able to create a BackUp Policy for our confluence instance.

There is no posibility to choose the named option 



  1. Go to Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Data management.

  3. Select Backup and restore.  (not able to choose this option under "Data Management"

1 answer

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Nick Wade -Opus Guard-
Atlassian Partner
September 18, 2024

Have you been accepted into the EAP for new backup features (as a customer)? You’ll need that before seeing these, a note about this is currently at the top of the doc you linked.

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