No publish button

Kim Abbott September 5, 2019

Exactly at the title says - I've never seen a Publish button on any page I've created or edited.  So much of the supporting documentation refers to publishing and I think this is part of the reason I can't use much of the documentation because it's not relevant.

I'm using Confluence 6.5.2 server.  Anyone know what's going on?

6 answers

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Rakesh Vashisht
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August 1, 2024

Hi, I too have the similar issue on our Confluence page. What theme should we have to enable the Draft --> Publish --> Update?

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David Redwine June 15, 2022

The publish button does not show in chrome when chrome is "full screen".  However if you hit the little "double box" in the extreme upper right corner of the browser and make the app "windowed", the publish button should appear.


Kim Abbott June 15, 2022


David Redwine June 29, 2022

When a page has previously been created and published, (and your are using Chrome AND the browser is NOT in full screen mode) you see this.


If you are creating a new page and it has never yet been published, (and your are using Chrome AND the browser is NOT in full screen mode) you see this.


Kim Abbott August 3, 2022

Unfortunately that is not what we have. This is a new page, using Chrome, not maximized. No publish button.

Confluence no publish.png

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Angie Elliott
October 29, 2020

I have the same issue. I don't see a Publish and Draft button. Is it because I run an older version (6.15.9)? If I should be able to activate a Publish button, can someone please point me to the exact instructions? Thank you!

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Kent Mewhort
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August 26, 2020

I just encountered this issue as well - the whole bottom bar was missing.  It's because Confluence is often quite broken in Firefox.  I loaded up the page in Chrome and can see the bar.

Kim Abbott August 27, 2020

I wasn't using FF with the issue noted above. Glad it's working for you though.

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Bharath Reddy
May 2, 2020

Atlassian team should have better documentation as most of the steps mentioned by them are not available in practical.

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James Conway
Rising Star
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September 6, 2019

Hi Kim,

The first time you create a page it has a 'draft' status and there is a publish button at the bottom of the editor. 
Screenshot 2019-09-06 at 11.13.00.png

Every time you edit the page after that, the 'Publish' button says 'Update' - see the first screenshot in the page linked below...

Alternatively, are you looking to publish a page from one space to another - e.g. restricted to public? In that case you may want to explore the Comala Publishing add-on. 

Hope that helps


Kim Abbott September 9, 2019

That's the thing, our Confluence does not look like that.  There never is a Publish button.  When I create a new page, the only thing showing at the bottom are Preview / Save / Close buttons.  There is no Draft logo at the top.  Same for editing pages.

James Conway
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 9, 2019

Are you sure that your confluence admin has not installed a theme that changes how confluence looks and arranges functions?  

Ewald Detjens
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November 15, 2019

I used to get a Publish button and now I don't see it.  Sigh.

Kim Abbott November 30, 2020

Is it because we run serer and not cloud? James are you on cloud Atlassian?

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