Need some basic information regarding confluence macros & code/scripting

Kelly Marshall
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May 24, 2019

Hi Everyone,

I'm really basic, like have a very basic understanding of confluence/code and struggling at finding information sometimes.  I'm a wysiwyg editor but our macros don't work (like the basic ones), I click the button and it opens the macro and I select things and then nothing.  I have no authority and I've let people know this, and from what I understand this will not be updated / fix for a while.  So there is no need to try and help with the macros part because my hands are completely tied.

So I have a work around...I find a page already created with the macro I want, use the <> tool and modify it to make it do what I actually want.  BUT I'm not a programmer.  I don't even know what language this is and how to learn more.

When I search for something to help me I find lots of assistance on the macro side, but since mine don't work I cannot follow along...and I need the code - whatever the code I can modify.  I've got a few things down...but I'd love to learn more.  

Does anyone know of a resource where I can learn more about the code part so I can just start writing it easier and when I can't find something I don't get completely stuck?


ie.  this gives me two column type cells and its laid out so that its bigger on the left.


<ac:layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar">





      <p> </p>





Well, it would be nice if I could figure out where to find code to know what other 'type's are available to stick in there.  I know they exist...I just don't really know where to start to google it.  I tried ac:type but that's no help.  What language is it a language?  I need a list of what options there are.  


Please help, and be kind.  I feel like I'm going at this ass backwards because I cannot use the 'insert' option.  Thanks for listening.

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