Natural Sort Sidebar Page Tree

Jason Tolotta November 5, 2020

Now that I have migrated from Atlassian Confluence Server (as per the Atlassian's ultimatum), as a Confluence Space Administrator I want to sort the sidebar using natural sort rather than position so that I do not have to manually re-order the pages again.

Anyone have a solution to this?

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Kat Warner
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
November 5, 2020

The ability to keep the pages sorted in alphabetical order is not available. Atlassian has a ticket gathering interest which you may want to add your vote to:

CONFCLOUD-65062 Allow for persistent sorting of pages

Jason Tolotta November 5, 2020

I regrettably accept this as the answer...for now.

Thomas Wälti February 22, 2023

The post below is not that wrong. At least it allows you to manually sort, even if it is only on-demand/once.

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Ollie Guan
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November 5, 2020

Hi @Jason Tolotta ,

Select sort alphabetically in Space Settings.


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Simone Hilpert Simone Hilpert
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October 5, 2023

The capacity to keep the pages arranged in sequential request isn't accessible. Atlassian has a ticket gathering interest which you might need to add your vote to read this.

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