My task list link says it cannot find page

Todd Hank June 24, 2015

I am the administrator to our Confluence installation which is a new installation of 5.8.4. I was demonstrating how to add a task list on a page and then how it appears on my Profile Tasks list. When I click the page that it appears on, I get an error "Page Not Found."

Today I tested the Task List on another new page and the link in my task list works normally.

Now there is one unique thing to mention about the page that didn't work. It is listed as a child to a page that is secured to only the IT Staff group can view it. I'm in the IT Staff group therefore I should be able to view the page. To give you an idea of the Page Tree:


Space: Information Technology - Permission = confluence-users read create edit

Page: Secure IT Section - Permissions = Staff IT read create edit

    Sub-page IT Meeting Minutes - This is the page that has the task assigned to me but the link from my task list does not work.


Any help would be appreciated.

3 answers

1 vote
lavitz slambert
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 30, 2015

Looks like you found a BUG (I reproduced locally without problems):

When you create confluence pages the URL will change to the page id if you have special characters in the page title, your only options in here while we wait for atlassian to fix this BUG are:

  1. Remove the "?focusedTaskId=2" form the end of the URL manually
  2. Create pages without special characters

Is not a optimal solution but if you want to make a presentation just add tasks to pages without special characters so the feature will work accordingly.

Thanks and Regards,

Lavitz - the guy that uses Confluence on Windows as a Hobby!


0 votes
Todd Hank June 29, 2015

I have looked at the URLS but here they are:

From My Profile Tasks:

URL from the actual Page:





0 votes
lavitz slambert
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 26, 2015

Strange, I tried that locally and it worked as a charm. Can you add the page URL when you navigate normally and the page URL after you get the not found error?

Maybe matching those two will give us a better clue on this behaviour.

Thanks and Regards,
Lavitz - the guy that uses Confluence on Windows as a Hobby!

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