Multipage Blueprint Tutorial

Devin Grace June 8, 2021

I worked through the entire Creating blueprints with Confluence Connect tutorial and received no errors that I could see. After I use NPM start inside my terminal it looks like this:Screenshot from 2021-06-08 09-07-23.png

The tutorial seems to be outdated because the setup of confluence has changed and I do not know how to get to this screen:Screenshot from 2021-06-08 09-14-25.png

I have looked on the templates bar on the side but it is not there:Screenshot from 2021-06-08 09-19-31.png

Here is my Atlassian-connect.json:Screenshot from 2021-06-08 09-34-33.png

I was wondering if anyone knew where this would hook to or if that I might have missed something.


Thanks for your time!


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marc -Collabello--Phase Locked-
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June 8, 2021

I believe there are a lot of issues:

  • you must install your new add-on in Confluence to see the Confluence screen.  That means you must have a Confluence Cloud instance.
  • it seems you run the add on in virtualBox.  That might prevent the add-on from network access to cloud
Devin Grace June 15, 2021

Hey sorry for the late reply, but how do I get confluence cloud instance and for some reason I can connect macros to my confluence via my virtualBox.

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