Modifying Dashboard Layout

Kevin O'Brien ADMIN September 28, 2011

We would like to have the abilty to display status updates from certain users (in a group) on the Dashboard under Space categories or favorites. Is this possible?

As a Confluence user, I would like to see status updates of users in given space under the category or favorites tab so I can separate out my business groups so they only see status updates that may affect them.

I suppose its kind of anti-collaboration, but we have groups that don't have anything to do with other groups and would like to separate these updates out to different categories.



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December 6, 2011

Hi Kevin!

You customise the dashboard and modify the global template /confluence/decorators/global.vmd or the layout at Administration > Layouts > Global Layout

The 'Customising Layouts will contain some information on how to modify these decorator files.

Hopel this helps!


Vincent Choy

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