Mobile friendly sidebar?

Michael Cheng
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January 13, 2023

New and currently trialing confluence cloud.

Is there anyway to have the sidebar show up as a hamburger menu on mobile web?  Currently, the mobile web hamburger menu gives 3 options: Switch to Desktop version, Give feedback, Logout.  

The desktop version isnt very phone friendly.  Any advice appreciated!


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 14, 2023

Hi @Michael Cheng and welcome to the community,

I don't think you can change the mobile version of your confluence instance. I think the design is for everyone. Did you try to download the confluence app and see if that suits your needs?

Michael Cheng
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January 18, 2023

We're planning on making a general knowledge base for our organization; it would be impossible to expect everyone to download the confluence app.  Is there any other work around for this?  Templates?  Desktop mode that detects mobile browser and presents a different template or CSS?

Andrew Ruether
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January 31, 2024

Lack of mobile web navigation is the main reason we can't use Confluence Cloud.  I've looked around and can't find any alternative.  We can't ask our 2500 help doc users to install an app.

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