Migrate to Atlassian Cloud from Database Backup

Mauro Canosa July 31, 2020

We have a big trouble in our on-premise server and we have a copy of the database and the site.

We can't restore it in our on-premise servers so i need support (and if is possible a service) to migrate to cloud using this backup.

Please help!

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 31, 2020

To migrate a server install to the cloud, you need a valid xml export of the server version, and it has to be from a recent server version. 

Your labels tell us you're on Jira 4.5, so no, you're going to need to get that working properly and then upgraded to 8.10-ish, then you'll be able to export to something Cloud can import.

Given a copy of the database and the "site", you should be able to bring up a new copy, suitable for upgrading to a point where you can create the xml for a move to Cloud (whatever "site" means - a minimum Jira backup is either XML or a database dump, plus a copy of the attachments, and I do not know if your "site" means that)

Mauro Canosa July 31, 2020

Thanks! We have Confluence 4.3 and i have backup of the DB and Directories that show you below



Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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July 31, 2020

Oops, sorry, I said "Jira", I meant "Confluence".  Principles are the same, but you do have a bit more wiggle-room on your versions.  4.5 Confluence still isn't good enough though.

You will need to recreate a working Confluence from there on 4.5, upgrade it to at least 7, then you'll be able to create a backup you can use to migrate it over to Cloud.

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