Managing files in Confluence - how to make sure to lock the file during the editing

Igal Kaplan
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January 16, 2019

We want to use the Confluence also as a managing files tool.

If I store for example an excel file as an attachment on some page - how I can "check out" the file, working on it and then "check in" back.

To insure that during my editing (via Edit in the Office option) nobody else will do the same and change the file. Because if this will happen then the only the latest changes will be saved and the other will be lost - which is very danger issue.

Similar functionality we have in Microsoft SharePoint and I cannot figure out how to do it in Confluence so far and what was an idea just to share the file without locking mechanism.

I must be missing something here...

Thank you.

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Johan Soetens _Dumblefy_
Rising Star
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January 16, 2019

Hi Igal,

please have a look at the new Atlassian Companion App

There are also some add-on as GoEdit.

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