Making the sidebar not scroll back to the top when an item is selected

Marie-Josée Labonté April 11, 2018

Hi Atlassian Community,

When clicking on an item in the Confluence sidebar, it instantly scrolls back to the top.

Is there an option or a command to make it not scroll back to the top?

Thank you in advance!

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 11, 2018
Marie-Josée, could I trouble you to post a screen shot of the sidebar and what you are clicking.
Also, please let me know whether you are on the server or Cloud product and version of server if not Cloud?
Finally, which browser do you use?
When I click on items in the sidebar it takes me to the destination of the link, so I am not sure if I am misunderstanding or if you are experiencing something extraordinary.
Marie-Josée Labonté April 12, 2018

Good day Ann,

We use Confluence 6.4.3 (server version) with Internet Explorer or Chrome. The same situation occurs with both browsers.

Sending a screenshot would not be helpful since it is the sidebar behavior that is the main concern.

When clicking on an item in the sidebar, it automatically takes us back to the top of the list. That is to say when we scroll down in a list in the sidebar, it is impossible to stay at this point and the list scrolls back to the beginning.

Is it possible to resolve this situation by adding an HTML command?

Thank you,

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 12, 2018

I cannot make a recommendation yet because I cannot reproduce the behavior. I tested using Chrome and Confluence 6.4.3.Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 11.08.06 AM.png

I understand when you click a link on the sidebar the screen scrolls up. Does the cursor also move?

When I click a link in the sidebar the cursor stays on the link and the link is highlighted, the screen does not scroll:

Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 11.07.45 AM.png


I asked for a screen shot so I could make sure we are understanding terms like "sidebar" the same and so I could see if there is anything remarkable in your sidebar, for example a custom theme.

Marie-Josée Labonté April 12, 2018

I confirm that we are using the same meaning of “sidebar”.

However, I forgot to specify that the content displayed in the sidebar scrolls automatically to the top when the list is long enough, so that a scrollbar is available at the right section. The cursor does not move.

Here’s a screenshot of the sidebar. However, I have blurred most of the items since it contains confidential data.

Screen Shot Confluence.png

Thank you

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 12, 2018

When I first view the sidebar I can see the space logo and name at the top:

Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 2.03.23 PM.png


When I click a link toward the bottom, "123", the screen stays scrolled down to my selection - note the space logo and name are no longer visible.

Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 2.03.41 PM.png


So it seems like on Confluence 6.4.3, out of the box, the sidebar does not scroll up when you click a link.

Do you have any third party themes on your instance, or customizations applied to your sidebar under Space Tools>Look and Feel>Sidebar, Header and Footer?

Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 2.05.21 PM.png

Marie-Josée Labonté April 18, 2018

Hello Ann,

We installed Confluence 6.8.1 (the latest version) and still having the same issue with the sidebar.

Yes, we customized the sidebar with Page Tree and Section macros.   


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 19, 2018

Hi Marie-Josée,

If you go to a space where the sidebar is not customized, do you see the same behavior? You may create a new test space with no customizations to check this.

If the scrolling-to-the-top turns out to be because of the Page Tree and Section macros in the sidebar, please let me know how they are configured so I can try reproducing the issue.



Marie-Josée Labonté April 19, 2018

Thank you, we will try with a new test space and I'll keep you informed of the results.


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