Macro gets copied as an image in the newest Confluence Wiki editor

Wu_ Peter
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January 8, 2025

I'm using Microsoft Edge.

I have two pages:

  1. This page is created in an older version of Confluence Wiki and migrated over to the newest Confluence Wiki version. This has the issue I need help with.
  2. This page is created using the newest Confluence Wiki version

Page 1:

When I try to copy the Page Tree macro from a Wiki page created using an other version of Confluence but migrated into a newer version of Confluence, it gets copied as an image. Notice that since this page was created from an older version, so it's using the "legacy editor" and it notifies me at the bottom that "This page can be converted to the new editor".


Why is it getting copied as an image when I use the newest Confluence Wiki editor in Edit mode?

Page 2:

If I created a new page, I no longer have an issue copying the Page Tree macro:



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Manoj Gangwar
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January 9, 2025

Hi @Wu_ Peter Welcome to the community!

How do you migrate from one confluence to another?
Are both the sites on the cloud? if both sites are on cloud environment you could use Atlassian cloud-to-cloud migration: Copy Confluence data 

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