MOVING Confluence Pages from an Existing Project to a New Project

Jeff Morris March 22, 2012

2 questions.

1. I want to move a section of one project (75 pages) from an exisiting project to a new project. Can this be done? Painlessly?

2. Will links to JIRA and other Confluence pages be maintained?

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Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
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March 23, 2012

Hi Jeff,

If you're moving pages from one Space to another Space in the same Confluence instance then you can just select Tools -> Move on the parent page and select the target Space and parent page within the target Space that you wish to move the pages to. All links will be automatically updated so that links are maintained. See for details

If you want to move pages between separate instances of Confluence (e.g. moving from an OnDemand instance to a local install, etc.) then things are more complicated as you would need to export the source Space and import into the target Space ( and All links within the Space that was exported and imported would be maintained, but as the source instance of Confluence would have no idea where you moved the Space links within the source Confluence instance would need to be manually updated to point to the new target.

Hope that helps?


Jeff Morris March 25, 2012

Thanks Andrew. That answers the question. Our move is in the same Confluence instance. So the basic instructions you provided helped. Some follow-ups on trying to prevent broken links.

1. Will links to and from JIRA in the same instance be updated?

2. Is there a reporting feature that will allow me to produce a report showing all pages with links to the pages I want to move?

3. Security settings (who has access and what they can do). Will these be maintained for the new pages in the move to the new instance?

Any insight or help would be appreciated.


Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
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March 25, 2012

Hi Jeff,

In answers to the follow-ups:

1. Not sure on this one. Application Links will be maintained because these are set at the Confluence/JIRA instance level so are independent of the content within the Confluence instance. If you've pasted a link to a JIRA issue or list of JIRA issues in a Confluence page then these links will also be maintained as it's just content in a Confluence page. If you've pasted a link to a Confluence page in a JIRA issue (Description, Comment, etc.) then these links would NOT be maintained. If you've used Remote Links ( I'm not sure how JIRA would handle this. I would hope that the link would be maintained, but I've never never linked JIRA to Confluence with Remote Links and then moved the Confluence pages so I'm not sure.

2. Not a report as such, but if you click Tools -> Info on a page it will show you a list of "Incoming Links" which show you all pages that link to the current page.

3. Permissions are set at the Space level so the moved pages will discard the permissions they had in the source Space and inherit the permissions they have in the target Space. If there are any page level restrictions applied to the source pages these will be carried over to the target Space.

In addition you can check for broken links after you've moved the pages in the Space that you've moved them to by selecting Browse -> Confluence Admin -> Undefined Pages. This will show Confluence links that are defined, but that do not exist in Confluence. You'll get false positives if deliberately creating links to pages that do not exist yet, but are planned to exist are part of your content creation process, but any other links shown here are indicative of broken links.

For JIRA <-> Confluence links the best thing to do is run a simple test of moving a single dummy page linked to a single dummy JIRA issue based on the way that you know your users link the two.

Hope that helps?


Jeff Morris March 25, 2012

Yes, all questions answered completely and with detail. Much appreciated.

Andrew Frayling
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 25, 2012

Happy to help. Could you mark the answer as correct please? Cheers.

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