Linked web images not appearing in PDF Export

Melanie Albrecht September 2, 2015

I am using Confluence 5.8.

When I export pages to PDF, the images that are linked do not show up. They show up nicely in in the wiki itself, just not the PDF. Any attached images are fine.

The linked images are PNG files that are stored in Attaching the images to the Confluence pages is not an option. The images are not inside a table, or centred.

I see that this question has been asked before. Someone recommended changing the encoding. I'm not sure how to do this (or why). 

Any other advice?

2 answers

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I'm New Here
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November 9, 2015

Is there any update on this? I have exactly the same problem. My linked images (not attached) are not showing in exported PDF or Word docuemnts. Thanks

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Giuliano C_
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 10, 2015

Hi Melanie, 


Generally, when we have issues with the encoding, it would be related to characters not properly displaying. However, you can find some information about the Confluence encoding configuration through this doc


So far, while looking at some related possibilities, I could notice this article with a bit of different symptoms, but, could be related. Can you let us know if the URL path for the images would be your case here, as described in the article? smile




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