Link/Create Meeting notes from JIRA (stored on Confluence)

Matúš Klaudíny November 20, 2018


We have a request from our internal customers to deliver improvement into their day to day work process. They would like to be able to create Meeting Notes in connection to Epics they track within their JIRA Projects. Perfect output would be to to click through from JIRA to Confluence where the page creation is triggered from a blueprint perhaps and the output document would be stored in Confluence and linked back to JIRA to access from the project/board also. 

I am quite sure i have seen something similar in action on Cloud instances, however is there any way how to achieve this on server instances also? Versioning c6.11.2 and j7.12.3

2 answers

1 accepted

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Answer accepted
Digimetis November 20, 2018

Hi Matúš,

Is your situation perhaps related to this use case: ?

Please let me know if I misunderstood your question or if you need further help.

Matúš Klaudíny November 21, 2018

Somewhat accepted! But would be to have a dedicated button in JIRA issue to create a page on confluence (also create a link between them). But i think i can't have it all. :) 

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Najjar _Innovura_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 14, 2020

Hi Matúš,

We launched a new app that allows you to create pages from templates through Jira Workflow post-function and store the Confluence page in a Jira customfield to apply more actions like:

Workflow postfuntions

  • Update page permissions
  • Update page content
  • Update page title

Workflow conditions

  • Check if page was modified after a certain status transition
  • Check if page still has a placeholder

And so much more.

Please give it a try, I believe it would streamline alot of repeated effort on your team

Jira Confluence Workflow Extensions (JCWE) 

Give it a try I am confident you'll love it.

If you have any inquires or requests please drop me an email at

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