Confluence Automation now includes a handy FOR EACH Task branch which will iterate through a set of tasks. My use case is to run an automation from a specific page, and to check if each task on that page is complete or not; if so, then create a Jira issue for that specific task.
The docs ( ) state: "A task branch applies the same condition and/or action on up to 1,000 tasks that meet the criteria you set.
A task branch will look at all tasks in the associated space (Space automation) or spaces (Global automation)."
I would think a common problem would be to examine the tasks only on the current page (the one on which the Automation is triggered), but this doesn't seem to be an option. So the Automation will go choose 1000 tasks from the current space, I guess, and check those?
- How are the 1000 tasks chosen?
- What happens if there are more than 1000 tasks in the current space?
- How can i guarantee that the Tasks I am interested in are in the 'considered' set for the FOR EACH?
- Is there ANY way to limit the set of tasks to be considered to be only those from the current page?
At the moment, I am filtering the tasks by setting a variable to the current page ID before I enter the branch (because {{}} gets reset in each parallel branch) and then comparing {{task.contentId}} to my stored page ID. But if end up with > 1000 tasks in my space, I have no way of knowing if the tasks I'm interested in will be considered.