This probably relates to and
Environment: Using Confluence Cloud.
How to Reproduce:
- In a Confluence Space go to Space Settings --> Look and feel --> PDF export
- Add something to PDF stylesheet, e.g.
@media print { @page { size: A4 landscape; } }
- add something to header and footer, e.g. below (remove the spaces after the `<`), ensure that the logo.png path exist, find the link somewhere in attachements
< div class="headerRight">< img src="/wiki/download/attachments/406621382/logo.png" height="30px"/>< /div> - Go to Space Settings --> General --> Export Space
- Choose PDF --> Next
- Select what to export, chose a page you want to export
- Click export
- Result: Your PDF is not landscape as and there is no header nor a footer.
Any idea how to fix that?
Anybody have a direct contact to the CONFCLOUD team like in CONFCLOUD-80402 and could open a bug ticket?