We decided to move a project from our Data Center Jira instance to cloud in a Jira Service Management instance and we would like to set the mentions in confluence also to the cloud instance project, so we would need a way to update all the Jira Issue/Filter macros to point to cloud instead of the Data Center project. The problem is that other projects which are mentioned in confluence are not migrated to cloud, so those ones should not be updated. The only solution I found is Script Runner update macro built-in script, but without a console script it would update all the macros it finds. It is not exactly clear how to check what the parameters are in the macro.
Here is my code so far(obviously it doesn't work):
import com.atlassian.confluence.xhtml.api.MacroDefinition
macroTransform = { MacroDefinition macro ->
String url = macro.getParameter('confluence.extra.jira.jira.param.serverUrl.label')
String keyLabel = macro.getParameter('confluence.extra.jira.jira.param.key.label')
if (keyLabel.contains('XYZ-')) {
macro.setParameter('confluence.extra.jira.jira.param.serverUrl.label', url.replace('MYCOMPANYDCURL', newURL))