JQL help with Burndown chart creation

Andy August 7, 2018

I am new to confluence and JQL and having troubles figuring out how to begin to write JQL to produce a burndown chart. Has anyone done this before? I am not finding much on google that is useful. I can get the burndown chart out of JIRA but that is not the point. My team wants a confluence page with the burn down chart and they dont mean put a link in there. Help!? 

I am adding additional information that I just learned. I looked at the burndown chart in JIRA and found a way to copy the JQL that was generated.


Here it is:  project = CORE AND status in ("Start", "Prioritized + Ready", "Owner Review", Deployed, "Subtask To Do") ORDER BY Rank ASC

I am not sure if this info is helpful or not? I am just trying to produce the burndown chart. When I was at the burndown chart I clicked on the 3 little dots and selected board settings and picked filter query.


Here is the information I have:

Project name = Core

Sprint name = 48

Chart type needed = Burndown.


Sprint range to be displayed 41 to 48

With each sprint between 41 and 48 list total committed and completed stories

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Haddon Fisher
Rising Star
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August 7, 2018

Hi @Andy,

This is actually a fairly large question, so going to break it down some, but TL;DR - you can't really do this out of the box.

JQL (JIRA query language) is only capable of finding a list of issues based on the criteria you supply it - you can add "and sprint = 48" to the end of your current search to see all of the issues who are listed as being part of that sprint, but that's as far as JQL can take you. Out of the box it cannot even include issues which were in the sprint but got pulled out (ScriptRunner plugin can help you with this if you can get it).

The other piece of this is that Confluence (and most other tools I've looked at to solve this problem) don't have access to the historical data you'd need to get the other pieces of data you need for a burndown chart: when to burn down and by how much. JIRA keeps a _ton_ of data for itself and it's own uses (which is how it's able to generate that burndown chart you see in the reports section), but it doesn't make much of it easily accessible, particularly historical data.


Andy August 7, 2018

So sad to hear.

If I am hearing you correctly there is no standard plugin out of the box that will enable confluence to display a burndown chart or a velocity chart? Is there a plugin or something that will work seamlessly? I realize that maybe we would have to pay for it : (

Haddon Fisher
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 15, 2018

Hey @Andy

There's a few decent charting plugins for Confluence (we're using Table Filters and Charts for Confluence), but the main issue has less to do with Confluence not being able to graph in general and more with JIRA not giving you the data you'd need to accurately make the chart.

We've looked at a few different reporting plugins for JIRA, but in general they are either too simple to meet or needs, or too complicated for most users to work with. If you want to try things out, EazyBI is probably the most robust (with a similarly robust learning curve). There are also a bunch of SaaS business intelligence tools that will integrate with JIRA and may be a little easier to use - check out Klipfolio or UseNotion.

In the end, we used a google form which scrummasters fill out at the end of every sprint - it's gross, but allows us to collect exactly the stats we need and has the added benefit of being free :)

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