Issues with LucidChart Cloud plugin

Esther Strom
Community Leader
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October 27, 2021

We have a team that has been using the standalone LucidChart for years and now wants to bring all of their hundreds of diagrams into Confluence. 

I've installed the LucidChart plugin into Confluence, and have two questions/issues.

First, is there any way to mass import all of our LucidChart files into Confluence? The only way I'm seeing right now to get diagrams in is to create a page and manually add a chart to it, which is going to take forever if we have to do it for 500+ diagrams.

Second, I tried to do a single addition, and although I'm our site-admin and space admin (and an admin of the LucidChart team), I get this error when trying to add the diagram:

2021-10-27 10_59_25-PHConnect RIS Technology Stack_SecUpdated - LucidChart Imports - Confluence.png

2021-10-27 11_30_41-View Space Permissions - LucidChart Imports - Confluence.png

What additional permissions do I need?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 29, 2021

Hello Esther,

Hope you are doing well!

Regarding the mass import of lucid chart files into Confluence, I'm not sure if that would be possible, but since this macro is supported directly by Lucid, I would suggest you get in contact with them directly, so they can answer for sure if there is a way to do that through their macro/tools.

You can get in touch with them by submitting request support or email:

About the error you are seeing there, on the Confluence side, it seems you have the permissions necessary to add a chart to a Confluence page but to understand better what could be causing it, since we cannot replicate the issue, we would like to ask you to create a support ticket on, so we can take a closer look on it with you. :)

Kindest Regards,

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