Issue screen default is not displaying properly

Andrei Loutchouk August 31, 2018

please see below...

after setting issue config, screen on the right does not update to reflect tabs and custom fields.


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Mohamed Adel
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August 31, 2018

@Andrei Loutchouk

You need to configure Create/View/Edit screens with the fields/tabs as per your requirement. 

As long as you have these operations screens, the default screen will not be displayed. 

Andrei Loutchouk September 3, 2018

@Mohamed Adel, thanks for looking into it!


It appears that this problem only appears when I refresh the issue in two separate windows (using Chrome browser).

the two paths are: <- this one shows up without any cont (creation date only)




More details... My Screen Scheme has been configured to the same screen(see below), as shown above. The V&V Screen Scheme has also been set as the Issue Type Screen Scheme, and set as default for the V&V Issue Type. The fields I want on that screen have been set, and also show up Screens column in the Issues->Custom Fields.


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