Issue after installing Confluence

elmer25 November 6, 2018

I installed Confluence 6.11.2 on an AWS server. I lost the original xml file for the configuration to connect to the SQLServer database (located on an AWS RDS instance). To get around this problem I created another database to generate the cfg files. I shutdown the database and replaced the JDBC url string with the corrected database. I then restarted the database and received the following error.



This installation of Confluence has failed one or more bootstrap configuration checks. Please check the logs for details.
2018-11-06 10:00:08fatalConfluence will not start up because the build number in the home directory [7901] doesn't match the build number in the database [7801].


Can you help me determine which database version I should install with the current confluence database version to again access my Confluence?


Thank you

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 7, 2018


Is this a brand-new installation, with no existing data, or were you migrating or updating Confluence?

For information on how to fix that error, you can check here:

You'll generally see this during an upgrade. If you're installing Confluence then it needs to have an empty database and thus a build number wouldn't already be set in the database.

If you can tell us exactly what you were trying to do when you installed Confluence it will help us to understand your situation.



elmer25 November 7, 2018

Shannon, thank you for the response. Problem is I have a database I needed. So I went ahead and continued to try archive installers until I found the version needed. I created using an empty database and then modified the xml file to point to the correct jdbc url.

Thank you

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 8, 2018

Hi Jim,

Thank you for clarifying.

So the installation you used is 7901 which is version 6.12.*, and your database is 7801, which is version 6.11.*.

You'll want to try installing 6.11.* instead and try the same.

  1. Install 6.11.* (in your case, 6.11.2), 
  2. Connect to an empty database.
  3. Start up Confluence, allowing it to generate your home directory again.
  4. Once successful, stop Confluence.
  5. Edit the configuration XML file, pointing to your database.
  6. Start Confluence.

Your downloads can be found here:

(Release notes | Upgrade notes)   16-Sep-2018 EXE
(Release notes | Upgrade notes)   16-Sep-2018 ZIP
(Release notes | Upgrade notes)   16-Sep-2018 TAR.GZ
(Release notes | Upgrade notes)   16-Sep-2018 BIN

Alternatively, you can try updating the version in the database directly, but this might cause issues in the future.

Let me know if you have any trouble.



elmer25 November 8, 2018

Thank you. That is the type of information I was looking for. Which installation versions are mapped to which build versions.

Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 9, 2018

No problem, Jim!

You can find the whole list from our developer site:

Take care and have a pleasant weekend.


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