Issue accessing Confluence page in Microsoft Teams

Sarah Green
May 15, 2023

I've set up the Confluence Cloud app in a Microsoft Teams channel, and I've added a page as a tab in Teams. However, when I go to access the page, I get this message: "You’ve stumbled on a restricted space"


This page has been set up so that specific people can edit, but everyone can view it. I am one of the editors, so I don't know why I'd be getting this message.

Why is this happening?

6 answers

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January 19, 2024

Hi @G subramanyam

Wondering if you have any recommendation to fix this issue.


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Michel Korthout
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September 20, 2023

Same issue here, any ideas yet?

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August 29, 2023

Notable that in Team if you use the dropdown on the tab to open the page in the browser this works fine

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August 29, 2023

I can confirm I have the same issue.


I am a confluence admin and can confirm that Microsoft Teams for Confluence Cloud has access to the space and there are no restrictions on the page

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Bryan Severson June 15, 2023

Any luck on this @Sarah Green? I'm experiencing the same thing with my staff.  Tinkered around with space settings and found the "Teams for Confluence Cloud" user on the site permissions, and there are no restrictions on the pages we're trying to present in teams. Passes my eye test but clearly I need keener eyes on this one. 



Sarah Green
June 15, 2023

No I haven't gotten an answer. The permissions all look fine for the space.

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G subramanyam
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May 15, 2023

Hi @Sarah Green welcome to the Atlassian community.

To me this looks like restrictions are set by the Confluence space administrator. My suggestion would be to Contact your inhouse space administrators and ask them to review the permissions and grant necessary access rights.

Sarah Green
May 15, 2023

@G subramanyam I have access to the space permissions - which permissions should be edited? 

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