Is there away to bulk restore attachments from the trash?

Ashley Thomas August 8, 2022

We recently discovered that copying a page also duplicates the attachments.

Some of our teams have not created templates for their pages and have been duplicating a page, then editing the content as desired. This caused a massive amount of duplicate data in the backend that was not visible within the pages. 

To tackle this we installed the plugin Attachments Manager for Confleunce which had an option to "Find unused attachments".

Whilst it was very helpful in removing a lot of data that should never have been duplicated, we have just found out that it also incorrectly deleted a large amount of attachments that should have remained attached to pages. This includes any attachments that were in a comment, rather than the body of the page, as well as any associated attachments such as those used for the plugin. 

Now we have a lot of missing content and we want to restore it. It will be hard for us to determine exactly what needs to be restored, however we need to ensure that it is restored before the trash is cleared. 

We have ~25 active sites in the business, and to give an example of the size of this, one of our sites has 1070 items in the trash.

Is there any way to restore these items in bulk? 

I cannot find anything in the API documentation that allows me to find or restore attachments from the trash within a space.

I cannot imagine going through the thousands of clicks that it will require to restore this content manually, as we restore opens a new screen, then requires a confirmation, then reloads the trash page.

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Danny Grenzowski _Rewind_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
August 8, 2022

Rewind allows you to restore individual Pages automatically, try it out free for 7 days on the Atlassian Marketplace:

Ashley Thomas August 9, 2022

Rewind would only help if we had it before the attachments were removed. It does not solve for my current issue.

Danny Grenzowski _Rewind_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
August 9, 2022

Yes, unfortunately. Sorry about that - wishing you luck with your current issue.

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