Is there an easy way to set Gadget height and width?

Nivedita October 17, 2019

Is there an easy way to set Gadget height and width? I am finding it difficult to get a legible view each time I insert a Gadget macro. 

Tried to set the size based on px or percentage but in vain.  Not really comfortable with the view.  conf1.pngconf1a.PNG

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Atlassian Team
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October 18, 2019

Hello there, @Nivedita !

I understand that having percentages or pixels as a sizing measurement can be a little hard to visualize. However, this is the only way to resize the Activity Stream Macro.

When we use percentages as measuring for the macros, we can think of the page as a container for that macro. For example:

  1. We create a page using the narrow view (new style)
  2. We insert the Activity Stream macro with 100% width
  3. We publish the page


When we look at the macro, it will be occupying the whole narrow width of the page. The same is true if we use the wider view, the macro will occupy the whole width of your page.

Now, the height of this macro is automatically defined based on how many items are displayed in your stream.

My advice would be to first set the macro as 100% width and go down from there. This can help us to have a better idea of how to better harmonize the macro within the page.

Let us hear from you, Nivedita! Looking forward to your reply.

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