Is there a way to use Variables like in Excel?

Matteo Lang April 3, 2024

We are trying to Migrate a User Entry and Exit formular to Confluence, we got everything in already, but we are facing issues with the commands,

We have these variables that pull the Data of the User into the Excel 

For Example:
=CONCATENATE("Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration -Identity ";DN3;".";DN4;" –TimeZone 'W. Europe Standard Time' -Language de-at")

DN3 and DN4 would be First.Last name in this example, 

Is there a way to use these types of Variables in Confluence or is there a need for a Extension?

We made a Table in Confluence which has Fixed Columns for First and Last name
maybe i can give them a Sort of Tag and use that Tag in the Command?

Excuse my Grammar, English is not my Mothers Tongue.

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Brant Schroeder
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July 4, 2024

@Matteo Lang

There is not a way to do that in Confluence through the user interface.  You can use the API and then you can use any language you want to make changes to the data. 

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