Is there a way to sort tasks by completed date in Confluence?

Andrew Hardy
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August 27, 2015

We have tried creating custom task reports with:

description, duedate, assignee, location, completedate, labels

and even

description, assignee, location, completedate, labels

but clicking the completed date column heading does not show the correct sequence. Is there something we're doing wrong? Is there another method of getting a chronological list of completed tasks?

4 answers

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Rising Star
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March 12, 2018

It's an absolute crime there's not a way to do this :-(

It seems all we can do is vote for CONFSERVER-42792

0 votes
John Tolle January 25, 2021

Sorting is definitely broken at least in the new editor Cloud version of Confluence.  I created a task report that included only assignee, task, and completedate, and no matter what I set the sort order to (either in the task report configuration or by clicking headers), it sorts on completedate descending and you cannot reverse the sort direction.

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Andrej Freeze greenique
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September 26, 2016

Hey Andrew,


we have recently published a new Add-On that might help you out with your problem. It is similar to the task report macro and has some additional features. Within this Add-On you can for example sort by completedate or display only tasks assigned to the currently logged in user.


You can find it in the Atlassian marketplace, it's called TaskOne for Confluence. We would love to hear some feedback from the community to further improve it.


Kind Regards,


Andrej Freeze

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Michael Cardno
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September 23, 2015

Hi Andrew,

I just used the Task Report macro to do this. I specified only the page and sorting dates seems to be working just fine.

Trust this helps in some way. 



Marie Duarte
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February 3, 2016

Hi Mike,

Could you please confirm this works as you suggest here when you have multiple tasks with the same due date / assignee and page title?

When creating the Task Report macro, I have options to sort by due date, assignee or page title. Assume I select assignee.  When I view the resulting task list, I can click on the arrow to sort by complete date, however it first sorts by assignee and then by complete date for each assignee. 

Instead, regardless of assignee / due date / page title, I want to sort by complete date.  A filter to get the actions closed of in the last week, fortnight, etc would also be desirable.  Is there a place I can log such feature requests?

Michael Cardno
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February 4, 2016

Hi Marie,

Thanks for the additional detail.

Was sorting just based on the date column for all tasks. If not getting the functionality you expect, and license is currently under maintenance, would suggest you request support to see if there's something else going on. And, yes, details on submitting a new feature request are here as well:

Trust this helps guide the team in the right direction.




Andrea Drees
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June 29, 2016

Hi Mike,

it looks as if you choose completedate AND duedate on complete tasks, the sorting is ALWAYS done on duedate.

That fits because due date is the parameter for "sort by".

On the other hand in the grid the sorting functionality on the column heading is available for both columns. The expectation is that the sorting on complete day will work on completedate and is NOT related to duedate.

Is there a work around to get a sorting on completedate?

Kind Regards

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