Is there a way to insert the number of pages with a specific label in a page?

Samara Marques
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October 23, 2023

I'm using the macro "content by label" to list all pages with a label using the filters of this macro. But I also wish to display the total number of this pages.

Considering that I can't get more macros in the Confluence Cloud of my organization is there a way to that?

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Clémentine Arce December 1, 2023

Hello Samara,


I do not think this is a native feature of Confluence.

However, if it becomes possible again for you to get a new macro in the Confluence Cloud of your organization, I would suggest the macro Metadata Matches from the add-on Comala Metadata. This macro can perform various functions based on the metadata of your pages, like labels.

In your case, you could follow the steps below and the example picture I provide you:

  1. Give a name to the value you want displayed on your page  (here, I called it "Example Community", but you could call it "Page Count")
  2. Choose the function the macro should perform based on labels from pages you want to count (here, I selected the sum function so it will count the number of pages containing a specific label)
  3. Specify the labels the function should add up (here, I created a label called "exampleCommunity" for the pages to count and there are three pages I created with this label)
  4. If you wish to further restrict the page count (for example if you wish to exclude certain pages with the label from the count), you can specify a Space Key, the root or specific pages. You could also choose specific content types to further restrict the count.


I hope this helps !

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