Is there a way to import multiple Word documents as a bulk upload to multiple pages?

Deleted user August 22, 2018

Is there a way to bulk upload multiple word documents and have every word document imported as a single page? So a 1:1 relationship between word document and pages?

We currently have specifications for one of our project with 2,000+ word documents on our network drive and want to have them as pages in Confluence for easier access and centralized knowledge base.

We want to track changes via page history and use the comment function so using attachments is not as helpful.

Is there any way to do so? I couldn't find any information for any plugins or else.

Thanks and kind regards

2 answers

1 vote
Charles Andrus August 23, 2020

The multi-file import plugin performs bulk importing of word documents now:

1 vote
MoroSystems Support
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August 22, 2018

Hello Ronja,

if you were not successful with finding any app on Marketplace then IMHO there is no way to do it. 

You can try to write custom app or script to achieve what you want.




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