Is there a way to embed a Confluence database into a Confluence Template?

jordan June 19, 2024



Is there a way to embed a Confluence database into a Confluence Template? And then to have one of the preset views set up.


We use the templates for sprint kick-offs, reviews and test packs which reference our Jira stories. I have added all of the Jira stories to a Conflunce database.

4 answers

1 vote
Hariharan Iyer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 19, 2024

Hi @jordan ,


Yes, both are possible. First you can create a saved view with the preferred layout - change the layout, click on "Save View" and then copy the URL. It should have something like "savedViewId=<some id>" at the end.

Then, in the template, click on "/" , type "embed" to find the "embed database" option, and paste the URL copied above.


Hope that helps!


~ Hariharan

jordan June 19, 2024

Thanks @Hariharan Iyer ,


The "embed database" option is not available for me. See


I have also tried using the "Insert Elements /" option at the top, but the "embed database" option is not available there either.



Hariharan Iyer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 19, 2024

Hi @jordan ,


Are you using the legacy editor by any chance? Since embedded databases are smart links, it's possible they're not showing up because of that.


If not, I'm unfortunately not aware of any other reason why that option would not show up. You may want to reach out to your admin or ask another question on that here.




jordan June 19, 2024

Hi @Hariharan Iyer,


I am using the new editor and I was still not getting the option to embed a database.

I have managed to find a workaround. I embedded the database on a Confluence page, changed it to a URL and then copy and pasted that URL into the template which has worked.


Thank you for your help,


0 votes
Tom Carrott June 20, 2024


We're in the early stages with a new product. Introducing Panorama: Your All-in-One Solution for Content Management in Confluence!

I wanted to share our landing page here incase it is of interest -

Please feel free to reach out with any questions!

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Sarah S Allis
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June 20, 2024

I found this in the Atlassian documentation for the databases:

"Currently, the ability to use the embed database or the database Macros is not enabled for Confluence Templates."

So it looks like they don't have that as a feature, but hopefully the 'currently' language means it's coming.

Link to the documentation:

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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June 19, 2024

@jordan Are databases enabled in your space?

jordan June 19, 2024

@Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM

Yeah, they are enabled. I've been playing around with them for a month or so now. We've had access to them when they were still in beta.

Hariharan Iyer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2024

@Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM it looks like @jordan is able to embed databases in pages but not in templates. Is there a setting to control this behaviour?

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