Is there a way to clear a page status using Confluence automation?

Jonathan Smith
June 6, 2024

I am working on a way to identify inactive pages, which are marked review. Once the user clicks Archive or Approved, I would like the page status to be cleared as the last automation action.

Automation example:

  1. When page status changed = approved
  2. If page condition contains label "review"
  3. Then: Remove label "review"
  4. and clear the page status....

Not everything in our spaces are Wikis so I don't want to see approved on some pages. Is it possible to clear the page status automatically somehow?

2 answers

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Levente Szabo _Midori_
Atlassian Partner
June 12, 2024

@Jonathan Smith As Shawn also concluded, this use case - as many other content lifecycle management use cases - is not straighforward to implement with Automation for Confluence, as that is not dedicated to CLM.

If you would consider a more professional approach and a dedicated solution, then it would be benefitial to try Better Content Archiving and Analytics for Confluence. It has been a go-to app for Confluence CLM for 15 years (on-prem) and now on Cloud, too.

It houses it's own automation engine that can be tailored to manage (and automate!) statuses exactly as you want them. You can define statuses precisely with CQL and schedule a status update automatically or allow status changes manually for users.

A document review and approval process is fairly common use case that enterprise customers implement, using their own statuses (you can have up to 20!) and their custom workflows.

You can apply content status schemes to a group of your spaces or narrow the scope of your rules however you want with CQL.

Feel free to give it a free try and reach out of if you need any assistance or have questions.

(Please note that I'm part of Midori, the team developing Better Content Archiving for Confluence.)

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
Community Leader
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June 7, 2024

It's fairly straightforward to do with Automations. here is a quick example


If a page is changed to the Verified status (I didn't have an approved status in my test space) then the review label is removed if present.

Jonathan Smith
June 11, 2024

@Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM That is not what I am requesting. In your example, if page status changes to verified, remove label, and clear the verified page status.

Not everything in my space needs to go though an approval process, so I don't want some pages to have a page status at the top, while others do not.


Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
Community Leader
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June 11, 2024

sorry I overlooked your step 4.

I do not see a way to delete a status via automation. You could put in an enhancement request to add delete to automations.

As a workaround, you could create a null or N/A status, and move the pages to that status that do not require approvals.  

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