Is there a shortcut for Paste as Plain Text in Chrome and Confluence?

Gabriel Porras December 15, 2016

Chrome in Windows has Paste: Control + V  and Paste as Plain Text: Control + Shift + V.

It worked everywhere but Confluence.

Why? Is there another shortcut to it?


7 answers

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James Dellow
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December 15, 2016

Yes, the rich text editor in Confluence doesn't appear to support the Control + Shift + V command.

If you are just copying and pasting other web content in Chrome to Confluence, you could try installing an add-on from the Chrome Web Store to help strip the formatting?

BTW have you considered raising this issue as a feature/bug request?

1 vote
Adam Tjaden June 23, 2021

In Firefox, I was able to create a bookmark with the following as the "URL":

javascript:function removeShortcut() { tinyMCE.editors[0].shortcuts.remove("ctrl+shift+v"); return; } removeShortcut();

The important part is to return so that the page isn't redirected to display the return value of the remove() call (true).

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Noam Yorav-Raphael
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October 16, 2023

It's really stupid, but obviously Atlassian aren't interested in fixing this. This hack worked for me: I added this to my autohotkey2 script:


; Make paste without formatting work in confluence.
#HotIf WinActive("Confluence")
    A_Clipboard := A_Clipboard
    Send "^v"

It means that whenever the window title includes the word "Confluence", AutoHotKey will set the keyboard to its text representation, discarding any formatting, and press Ctrl-V.

0 votes
Dmitry May 25, 2021


It's a pretty hackish solution, but you can do it using CUSTOM HTML and play around with javascript.

<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[

var fixShortCut = function(){
if (typeof tinyMCE !== "undefined" && tinyMCE.editors.length > 0)
setTimeout(function (args) {fixShortCut();}, 5000);

window.onload = function(e){
// ]]></script>
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March 15, 2020

Unfortunately Confluence overrides Cmd-Shift-V / Ctrl-Shift-V as a shortcut for 'Paste Row Before' within tables. 

I've created a bookmarklet you can use to override this behavior:

javascript&colon;delete tinyMCE.editors[0].shortcuts["ctrl,,shift,86"]

To use it open the Bookmark Manager in Chrome and choose 'Add New Bookmark'.  In the URL section copy and paste the above. It should look like this:


Next time you're in the Confluence editor click the bookmark first (it won't be obvious anything has happened), then use Cmd+Shift+V and it should work as normal. 

Adam Tjaden July 24, 2020

In Firefox, this goes to a new page with just "true" on it.  Do you know a way to make this bookmarklet execute on the current page in Firefox?

Sebastian Vogel
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September 17, 2020

unfortunately this bookmarklet does not work with tinyMCE 4+, the new way to disable the shortcut is via the tinyMCE API



 2020-09-17 09_46_58-Lesezeichen.png

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Kevin Finn
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October 8, 2020

Thanks - I tried this out, unfortunately I could not get it to work.

From the Chrome console, I get:

Uncaught TypeError: require(...).editors[0].shortcuts.remove is not a function
at <anonymous>:1:41

With some minor modifications to debug, it seems to me that the require is actually not succeeding in my environment, even though the error is about .remove() .  I'm new to JS though.

Any other thoughts on how to debug this and get it to work?

Kevin Finn
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October 19, 2020

Update:  A coworker who is way smarter than me provided the following bookmarklet, which works at the moment but could break in the future.

javascript&colon;tinyMCE.editors[0].addShortcut('ctrl+shift+v','',(editor) => {editor.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, window.clipboardData.getData('Text'));})
Adam Tjaden June 23, 2021

This doesn't work for me:

Uncaught TypeError: editor is undefined
0 votes
Deleted user June 19, 2019

This appears to be supported now.

On mac/windows: Command/Control -> Shift -> V to paste plain text without formatting.

Kateryna Shneidmillier
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September 20, 2019

For me on Chrome still does not work even though I can plain-paste via context menu

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Gabriel Porras December 15, 2016

Thanks @James Dellow.. I'll try with Chrome extension

; )

Kateryna Shneidmillier
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September 20, 2019

Which extension is meant here?

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