Is there a macro to track progress over time?

Kateryna Chorna
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August 14, 2018

Hi! I'm working on the confluence page that should show different statistics about bugs in our project. It's pretty easy to display the overall number of bugs using standard JIRA filters macros.

But the most important this for us is to be able to display bugs changes over time. For instance, the trendline on bugs number per sprints. Or the number of bugs closed/opened over the sprints. So that we could see how the situation changes within a month or more.

Is there a solution for this kind of requests? 

3 answers

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Danut M _StonikByte_
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February 3, 2023

Hi @Kateryna Chorna,


You could try our Great Gadgets plugin. It offers a Release Burnup Burndown Chart (with forecast) that you can use to display the bugs trend. 


Of you can also use the CFD chart to see the trend of the bugs.



Or maybe this Advanced Issue Filter Formula Gadget, which is highly configurable and you could use to show various stats about the bugs.


The app offers many other gadgets for agile that you might find helpful.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact




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Andrey Khaneev _StiltSoft_
Rising Star
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August 15, 2018

Hi Kateryna,

You can use Pivot Table macro to count number of bugs per each sprint, then wrap it with Chart from Table macro to visualize pivot table. Both macros are shipped with Table Filter and Charts add-on. Please, watch this video tutorial as an example, it is similar to your case.

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Deleted user August 14, 2018

Hi @Kateryna Chorna,

My suggestion will not completely match your requirements;

Create a JQL query:

type = bug AND Sprint != EMPTY AND project = [PROJECT]

Once you have this query you should be able to get all bugs that have been added to a sprint within a certain project. 

Save the query.

Go to Confluence and add the Recently Created Chart Macro. 

Configure the macro as it should best fit your requirements, though I have configured mine below:

recently created chart.png

This will give you a monthly breakdown of bugs that have been created / closed over a maximum of 300 days.

Unfortunately, this does not breakdown by each sprint as per your requirements.  

Hope this helps

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