Is there a macro to display a list of Archived Pages?

June 5, 2024

Is there a macro that displays a list of all Archived Pages within a Space, other than going to Space settings>Archived pages?


I can't seem to find any related content to this exact question.

Thanks in advance!

2 answers

1 vote
June 5, 2024

I found this trick helpful when looking for the answer to my question from a response left on another post by @Dam 

Post can be found here:


0 votes
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 10, 2024

Hi @Kristina 

Currently, we don't have a macro to display archived content and indeed the way to see the archived pages would be by checking the Space Settings > Archived pages

Thank you for sharing the trick you found in another thread, Kristina! It is really helpful and can help other users to achieve the same goal.

While we are talking about this topic, is there a specific reason why it would be necessary for a macro to find those pages instead of accessing the space settings to find it?

Any feedback on that would be helpful so we can understand the use case better and add a Feature Request to our internal teams!


June 10, 2024

Hi @Jessica 

Thank you for your response, good to know now I can stop looking :)


A macro for this would be more convenient for my team, more than necessary. 

Having a space to list the pages that have been archived is convenient for tracking purposes with less clicks to get there.

Do you know if this is a macro they might add in the future? Totally not pressing, just curious. 


Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 12, 2024

Hey @Kristina 

For now I haven't found any plans in the foreseeable future for macros to list the archived pages.

I appreciate you sharing the reasons and use case for the need to have a macro to show the archived pages.

I have created this feature request to have a macro for this purpose or even an update of some existing macros to have the filter to display archived pages as it may be useful:

Feel free to add your comments and feedback, if you would like, on the feature request page, as it can help our product and internal teams to understand better the use case and also see how important it would be for all of our users to have features implemented.

If you believe there should be something else to be added to the suggestion, please feel free to let us know!



June 12, 2024

Hi @Jessica 

Excellent! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this information with me, it is very helpful and greatly appreciated.

Thank you!




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