Is it possible to restrict confluence access to JIRA users without providing them confluence license

David Fernandes July 31, 2018

Is it possible to restrict confluence access to JIRA users without providing them confluence license and making the space accessible to anonymous users i.e. Publicly accessible


I want to give my JIRA users, read access to confluence pages.

If I make it accessible to anonymous user, it is accessible to public.

Is it possible that I can restrict the confluence space access to my JIRA Users without making it publicly accessible and providing them confluence licenses.

2 answers

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donjoe August 1, 2018

@David Fernandes

If I have understood your question rightly, that is, you want to give access to Confluence to only your Jira users and not to the general public, there is one way I could think of...

In User Management, go to Product Access > View Configuration (found in menu in top right corner of the Product Access page). 

In this page, click on "Add Group" and add the default "jira-users" group to the list of groups of users granted access. I am assuming that you would have another group already which would be the "confluence-administrators" group. 

Now, whenever you add a new user and grant him/her access to jira as a "jira-user", they will also have access to Confluence. 

Do let me know if this works... 

But of course, you wouldn't be able to give them access AND not give them the license, unless you make it public. 


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Moses Thomas
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August 1, 2018

@David FernandesNo,  either you make it anonymous  or give  them license to  be able to  access confluence.



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